The New Year Channeling Session

On December 28th, 2013 I performed a small channeling session for a few dear friends and family members.  What is written below is a tie in piece to what was talked about during the channeling.  Enjoy, and remember that this coming year is one filled with excitement, change, and transformational energy.  


My unconditional love to you 🙂




It is at this time dear ones, that we wish to send you our deepest blessings and unconditional love as you transition in to this new energy you refer to as “the new year”.  Cosmically speaking, you have been moving in to this new energy for quite sometime and the rolling over of your earth calendar is not necessarily the exact starting point.  However, for the purpose of this message, it makes sense to speak in these terms.


Your year of 2013 was one of much unrest and many of you may have experienced emotions and situations that you may not have been ready for.  Of this, though, dear ones we can say with some certainty, that you were ready and more to the point, it was the right time.  From our perspective, we observed your past year as one of a great revealer of truth.  The truth that you became aware of is of a personal nature and each individual spirit is unique in discovering their truth.  Perhaps, you discovered that in this year that you need to surround yourself with different people.  Ones who better represent the kind of alignment you are trying to establish in your life.  We understand how difficult this can be from the human experience and we send you our support and guidance as you make this transition.


Perhaps, you discovered that your partner is not truly your soul mate and so it was time to move on from that individual.  We acknowledge just how painful this kind of process can be dear ones and have faith that every tear your shed in physical form is shared on the face of your guardians and love is being sent to you.  As your Earth saying goes, something will need to fall a part in order for something better to fall in to place.  With that being stated, we would like to give you the following message for the year to come. 


What we can say, with fair amounts of certainty, is that your year of 2014 is the time for action.  It is time to firmly root your intentions in to Gaia and release what ever fears you may have to God and those of our kind, the Archangels.  We will guide you and assist you, with given permission, and remind you that your desires are valid.  


Should you wish to find your true beloved, we will aid.

Should you wish to begin your new career of love and service, we will aid.

Should you wish to create a deeper connection to your true being, we will aid.


Now is the time for action, take the steps you feel are necessary to begin these changes dear ones and with proper intention you will see the fruits of that labour at a pace that will surprise.  


We send you our unconditional love and know that we are with you, always and forever.


The Archangel Collective

3 thoughts on “The New Year Channeling Session

  1. Omg! Your channeling was awesome!! It’s no doubt that I’ve been guided to read this post. Everything you’ve channeled for 2013, applied to me too. Thank you for posting this! 🙂

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